Obsługa bieżącaWe support our Clients in their everyday business, by offering legal advisory services and project-based assistance adjusted to the Client’s current needs.

We ensure our Clients comprehensive legal advisory on day-to-day matters, including corporate and transaction services. As part of our ongoing services we offer you the full support of our firm’s lawyers, but also of external specialists cooperating with us, also in the area of tax advisory.

We offer strategic advisory services connected with the company’s development, structure and business plans. We support your business in the change management process, including its digital transformation.

We prepare, review and negotiate agreements and trade contracts. We support our Clients in the area of reviewing the legal compliance of the Client’s activities with the law in force and with the Client’s internal regulations. We also ensure assistance in litigation.

We offer specialist dedicated products, such as Ongoing Consultations, In-house Substitution, BarchanLean and Business in Poland (a product dedicated to foreign companies).

We offer the service of legal and business project management. We are aware that handling the Client’s legal situation may occasionally require many advisors and consultants. Complete project management, including relations and ongoing project communication, is time-consuming. This is why we offer to take that burden off our Client’s shoulders and become the project management office (PMO) – a service in which we will coordinate the works of all the parties involved in a project, not only by coordinating the work of lawyers, but also ensuring and overseeing the cooperation of all project members.